Talon Talks Season 2 Episode 1: Welcome Back to the Chaos!

MSJC Talon members Nick Pettis, Dr. Michele Weber, and Cynthia Carrillo welcome new members Kayla Lewis, Victor Ortiz, and Jake Cruz. The new members share about themselves with us. Nick and Dr. Weber also recruit people for the journalism program and the Talon. If you’re a student at MSJC and want to join the Talon, reach out. Watch the video below and let the chaos reign!



Produced by:

Nick Pettis

MSJC Talon

Directed by:

Nick Pettis

MSJC’s The Talon

Edited by:

Nick Pettis

Music provided by:

XTaKeRuX’s Destructing Own Kingdom

You can find this song and more on freemusicarchive.org

Logo Designed by:

Eddie Landeros

Recorded on:



Nick Pettis

Dr. Michele Weber

Cynthia Carrillo

Kayla Lewis

Victor Ortiz


Jake Cruz