In April, MSJC’s theatre course is a huge opportunity for fellow students to express themselves. The play “Puffs” was presented for two weekends in the MSJC Menifee Valley Campus. I saw the first test showing left with many thoughts. Overall, I thought it was great! However, in reviews like these, it takes more than a simple “it was good” or “I liked it” to convince people to purchase tickets. Here are the reasons why I enjoyed it so much.
First, I would like to compliment the creators for the atmosphere they set because I was very immersed in the story being told. The lighting was great, and they even had points where the lighting in the crowd could be interacted with when someone was doing magic, which is a great touch, and the attention to detail from the team will leave you enthralled. The play wasn’t short in life, as there’s also music and sound effects used throughout the play that keep you on the edge of your seat, so I’d love to give props to those behind the scenes who organized this.

The show was very entertaining. There was never a boring moment in this story, as it had some serious and hilarious moments that would have you rolling in your seat. A huge factor, if not the most important factor, in having a show is to have an engaged and entertained audience, and I was definitely both. I was hooked quickly, which says a lot about how interesting the play was to me. I am the type of person who, if you can make me laugh, I’ll listen to whatever else you have to say, and thankfully, these actors got many laughs out of me throughout the play.
The only negative aspect is that during the preview the show went on longer than stated. This could be bad for those with a tight schedule, but this will be fixed for future showings, as the team also acknowledged this. For those unbothered with the length, this isn’t all that negative, because you will be getting your money’s worth from this play. As I previously said, I think that changes will occur as I attended only a preview event made as a test.

Finally, I truly enjoyed this play; its cast was full of emotion that kept me seated during the event. There was never a boring moment, and many people who attended were very satisfied. I also think that the content that you get from this show is worth the price at 11 dollars, and it would overall just be a huge help to the individuals who have set this whole event up so that we can see even more great shows like these happen at MSJC, so be sure to support these very gifted and talented individuals if you can!