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The Student News Site of Mt. San Jacinto College

The Talon Student News

The Talon Student News

The Student News Site of Mt. San Jacinto College

The Talon Student News

Delia Valdez

Delia Valdez, ICC Representative

Hi I’m Delia! I’m currently involved in so many things here at MSJC! Not only am I taking 5 heavy classes, but I also work in your local LRC as a peer tutor. I’m also hiding out in one of the behavioral statistics classes on campus as an embedded tutor!For the Talon, I’m the ICC Rep and work in their social media team for the spring semester 2025! I am currently an MSJC student studying both communications and psychology. Not for long though, because, lord willing, I graduate this semester! Hopefully with my degrees and my new-found knowledge, I’ll be able to find a unique and fulfilling career path after leaving MSJC. Hope you like my stories!

All content by Delia Valdez
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