Abuela’s Pasole
November 3, 2021
I would love to share that my abuelas’ famous pozole is the best I’ve ever had! Pozole is a soup or a stew that is traditional to Mexico.

I have always cherished the times she makes since I was younger. I would always request it on a different day than the times she actually makes it, which she makes it a tradition to make every New Years. I had my friends try her famous posole and they all liked it after they tried it. I even had a friend ask my grandma for her recipe for the posole. I feel like it’s the chili in the recipe or something because it’s so good and tasty! I’ve tried other people’s posole but I can’t seem to like theirs. I just love my abuelas posole and I really cherish her doing it every year. My Mom has tried to make her famous posole but it doesn’t come out the same as my abuelas, my Mom’s posole comes out with no flavor. I feel like it’s a grandma thing because nobody can ever cook like the Abuela. My Abuela’s posole is spicy and has so much flavor I feel like it’s the ojas de lo rey or something. I couldn’t tell you I would have to ask my abuela what it is that she makes her posole so delicious!