1st Place – “Sheet Ghost” by Kyra Brantley-Hughes 

“Sheet Ghost” by Kyra Brantley-Hughes 

1st Place:

“Sheet Ghost” by Kyra Brantley-Hughes 


there’s a prayer in every basement

and a ghost in every attic 


there it stands watch

in the window

I tucked it there 

when I was nine


flesh, winding sheets–

death shrouds torn out

childhood crib

I near forgot


death’s heads riddled

those eyes, gashes

gazeless they gawk–

twin black pox marks


I must confess

I pierced its heart

with a poker

rent from the flame


that scarlet ink

sullied the linens

as the breast bled

in rorschach blots


I flayed that ghost

tore back the veil

and bore witness

to formless thought


they called


and yet

and yet–

there’s a prayer in every basement

and a ghost in every attic 


See 2nd Place for the Halloween Poetry Contest Here