4th Place – “Children Never to be Found” by Brian Hautau

4th Place:

“Children Never to be Found” by Brian Hautau 


Too dark to see but the wavy lights from creepy jack-o-lanterns glow.

Children trespass with bags of sugary delights.

The dirty stenches in the air overflow the foul smell of forty thousand years.

This cemetery must be crossed before dawn.


Trails followed only by what moldy trolls know.

They pray on a child’s most mischievous nights.

But feeding on a child’s most gruesome fears.

The creepy trolls waddle toward foggy lawns.


Evil spirits to follow where these children go.

They will get you when in their sights.

They search for blood when the twelve o’clock hour appears.

Restless parents await their children never to be found.


See 5th Place for the Halloween Poetry Contest Here