Sexual Assault Awareness Month at MSJC
April 25, 2023
Warning, this article contains information on a sensitive subject that may upset some people. Please be advised.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and here at Mount San Jacinto College, there are multiple events going on to help bring awareness to sexual assault.

The Title IX Office is responsible for responding to all reports of Sexual Assault on campus at MSJC and is a federal right law that prohibits sexual assault, harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. The Title IX Office partnered with the campus and community partnered with MSJC’s Student Government Association, MSJC’s mental health services, and Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center to host multiple events throughout the month. Those events all included free shirts from the “That Doesn’t Fly Here” campaign. Their purpose for the campaign was to bring awareness to students and faculty on sexual assault by demonstrating that sexual harassment and abuse “doesn’t fly here” on campus.

The “That Doesn’t Fly Here” campaign was created to bring awareness to Sexual Assault Awareness Month at MSJC campuses, during the month of April. Students and staff can get free items during Sexual Assault Awareness Month and are encouraged to participate in the remaining events. Although some events have passed, there are a few coming up, including an event on April 24th with the RARCC from 8-11 am in the lobby at the Temecula Campus, where you can chat with an advocate from RARCC and how they support survivors.

If anyone is interested in getting involved in future activities please message your Title IX office at [email protected] for more information.
Resources and Further Information:
Title IX Coordinator, Meaghan Kauffman, Email: [email protected]
Title IX phone number: 951-374-0539
Title IX email: [email protected]
SGA phone number: 951-346-2295
Mental health services Phone: 951-465-8371
Mental health services email: [email protected]
RARCC phone number: 951-686-7273
RARCC email: [email protected]